Source code for getobs

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - NAME:
# - AUTHOR:      Reto Stauffer
# - DATE:        2015-07-23
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - DESCRIPTION: A class which picks observations from the
#                'raw' observation table and prepares the inserts
#                we need to compute the points for the tournament.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - EDITORIAL:   2015-07-23, RS: Created file on thinkreto.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - L@ST MODIFIED: 2018-01-23 11:27 on marvin
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

import sys, os
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np

[docs]class getobs( object ): """Main observation handling class. Loading observations from the 'raw' database (Obsdatabase) and computes the observations required for the tournament (e.g, daily sunshine duration or precipitation sums (sum over 24h between pre-specified times). These values are stored into the `Wetterturnier Wordpress Plugin <>`_ and used for the penalties/judging. Args: config (:obj:`list`): Contains all necessary configs for the pywetterturnier package. Please have a look into See :py:meth:`utils.readconfig` for more details. db (:py:class:`database.database`): A pywetterturnier (:py:class:`database.database` object handling the database I/O. city (:obj:`int`): Numeric city ID. date (:obj:`` object with the date for which the request should be made. """
[docs] def __init__(self, config, db, city, date): """ Initialization of the @ref getobs.getobs class. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Public attributes # ------------------------------------------------------------- ## @ref database.database object handling the db I/O. self.db = db ## Will contain data. Intitialized as None, will be a # 2-level deep dict at the end of the form: # data[wmo station number][parameter] = observation value. = None ## List of stationclass objects self.stations = self.db.get_stations_for_city( city['ID'] ) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # - Private attributes # ------------------------------------------------------------- ## Copy of the input config list self._config_ = config ## Database table name. self._table_ = config['mysql_obstable'] ## City ID for which we are loading the observations. self._city_ = city ## Date of the observations. self._date_ = date ## Columns available in in self._table_ self._columns_ = self.get_columns( self._table_ ) if len(self.stations) == 0: return False ## Dict with astronomic day length per station. self._maxSd_ = self.get_maximum_Sd(self.stations,self._date_)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Compute maximum day length using the python astral package. # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_maximum_Sd( self, stations, date ): """Computes astronomic (maximum) sun shine duration for a set of stations. Note that the station has to be stored in the database table ``obs.stations``. If not, we dont know the position of the station and therefore we can't compute astronomical sunshine duration resulting in a None value. Uses external python package @astral. Args: stations (:obj:`list`): of :py:obj:`stationclass.stationclass` objects. date (:obj:``): Date object for which the data should be retrieved or for which date the day length should be computed. Returns: dict: A dict consisting of WMO station number and the length of the astronomic day in seconds. """ import astral from datetime import datetime as dt # - self._maxSd_ used to store the info based on the wmo number maxSd = {} cur = self.db.cursor() sql = "SELECT name, lon, lat, hoehe FROM obs.stations WHERE statnr = %s" for station in stations: cur.execute( sql % station.wmo ) res = cur.fetchone() # - no info? Skip if res == None: maxSd[station.wmo] = None print "[!] ERROR: Problems in get_maximum_Sd. Reason: \n" + \ " there is no entry for wmo station %d in table\n" % station.wmo + \ " obs.stations and I can't compute the astronomic\n" + \ " sunshine duration." maxSd[station.wmo] = None # - Else else: # - Else compute day length nam = str( res[0] ) lon = float( res[1] ) lat = float( res[2] ) if int(res[3]) == None: elevation = 0 else: elevation = int(res[3]) # - Define location loc = astral.Location( (nam,'Region',lat,lon,'Europe/London',elevation) ) res = loc.sun(local=True,date=date) daylen = int(res['sunset'].strftime('%s')) - int(res['sunrise'].strftime('%s')) daylen = daylen / 60. maxSd[station.wmo] = daylen print " WMO station %7d: daylength %5.2f min (%5.2f h)" % \ (station.wmo,daylen,daylen/60.) return maxSd
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Loading # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_columns( self, table ): """Returns database table columns. Args: table (:obj:`str`): Name of the database table. Results: list: A list of all available table columns. .. todo:: reference to database required here. """ sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s" % table cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute(sql) tmp = cur.fetchall() res = [] for rec in tmp: res.append( str(rec[0]).lower() ) return res
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Loading observations # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load_obs( self, wmo, hour, parameter ): """Loading a specific observation from the database. The date for which the observation should be valid and the name of the database are coming from the public attributes of the class (@ref getobs.getobs). Args: wmo (:obj:`int`): Numeric WMO station number. hour (:obj:`int`): Hour for which the observation should be valid [0,...,24], in UTC. parameter (:obj:`str`): Parameter name (short name) for which observations should be loaded. Returns: :obj:`float` or NULL: NULL will be returned if the database is empty or the parameter could not have been found, Else the numeric value is returned by this method. """ from pywetterturnier import utils parameter = parameter.lower() if not parameter in self._columns_: print "Parameter %s does not exist in database table %s. Stop in getobs.load_obs" % \ (parameter, self._table_) return None tmp = self._date_ + dt.timedelta( 0, hour*3600 ) datum = int( tmp.strftime('%Y%m%d') ) stdmin = int( tmp.strftime('%H%M') ) #print " - For station %6d: %d %04d try to load %s" % (wmo,datum,stdmin,parameter) # - Load from db sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE msgtyp='bufr' AND statnr=%d AND datum=%d AND stdmin=%d" % \ (parameter, self._table_, wmo, datum, stdmin) cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute( sql ) data = cur.fetchall() # - No row in database at all if len(data) == 0: return None elif len(data) > 1: utils.exit("got more than one row - thats not good. Stop.") # - Field is empty elif data[0][0] == None: return None # - Else return value return data[0][0]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Loading special observations # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load_special_obs( self, wmo, special ): """Loading a specific observation from the database. The date for which the observation should be valid and the name of the database are coming from the public attributes of the class (see :class:`getobs.getobs`). Args: wmo (:obj:`int`): WMO station number. special (:class:`getobs.getobs.special_obs_class`): Selector for handling special requests (modifies the time-selector). Returns: float: Either a numeric value or None if the cell in the database was empty (NULL). """ from pywetterturnier import utils parameter = special.parameter.lower() if not parameter in self._columns_: utils.exit("Parameter %s does not exist in database table %s. Stop in getobs.load_obs" % \ (parameter, self._table_)) # If both (from and to) are from the same day if special.from_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") == special.to_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"): # - Load from db sql = "SELECT {0:s} FROM {1:s} WHERE msgtyp='bufr' AND statnr={2:d} AND datum={3:d} AND stdmin>={4:d} AND stdmin <= {5:d}".format( special.parameter, self._table_, wmo, int(special.from_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")), int(special.from_date.strftime("%H%M")), int(special.to_date.strftime("%H%M")) ) else: # - Load from db sql = "SELECT {0:s} FROM {1:s} WHERE msgtyp='bufr' AND statnr={2:d} AND ((datum={3:d} AND stdmin>={4:d}) OR (datum={5:d} AND stdmin <= {6:d}))".format( special.parameter, self._table_, wmo, int(special.from_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")), int(special.from_date.strftime("%H%M")), int(special.to_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")), int(special.to_date.strftime("%H%M")) ) cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute( sql ) tmp = cur.fetchall() # Keep non-None values data = [] for rec in tmp: if rec[0] is None: continue data.append( int(rec[0]) ) # Return 'None' if no data have been found or a list # of integers else. if len(data) == 0: return None else: return data
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Checks if a a certain observation at leas has a row in the # database (wmo/time/date) row exits - do not check the # content of the colums. # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check_record( self, wmo, hour ): """Checks if database record exists. Just checks if for the current date/time/station combination a row exists in the database and not what a specific cell contains. Note: date, and table name are coming from the public attributes of @ref getobs.getobs . Args: wmo (:obj:`int`): WMO station number. hour (:obj:`int`): Hour time shift relative to the 'date', 00:00 UTC. As an example: hour=30 means that we are checking 'tomorrow 06:00 UTC'. Returns: bool: False if no such row exists, else True. """ datumsec = self._date_ + dt.timedelta( 0, hour*3600 ) datumsec = int( datumsec.strftime('%s') ) sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE msgtyp='bufr' AND statnr=%d AND datumsec = %d" % \ (self._table_, wmo, datumsec ) cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute( sql ) data = cur.fetchone() # - Else return value return (int(data[0]) > 0)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Adding value # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _add_obs_value_(self,parameter,wmo,value): """Adds a loaded observation to the final data object stored on the parent :class:`getobs.getobs` object. Appends all data to the public attribute :attr:``. Args: parameter (:obj:`str`): Parameter shortname. wmo (:obj:`int`): WMO station number. value (:obj:`float`): Either a numeric value or None. """ # - If value is none: return if value == None: return # - Initialize data object and add new dict with key wmo if not = {wmo:{}} # - Adding new dict with key wmo elif not wmo in[wmo] = {} # - Adding value[wmo][parameter] = value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Calling the prepare_fun methods for the different # parameters like TTm, TTn, ... # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def prepare( self, parameter,special=None): """Prepares the different observed parameters like ``TTn``, ``TTm``, ``N``, and so on (depending on what's defined in the database table ``params``). Note that the script will ignore a wrong specified or unknown parameter as the internal method then does not exist. The date will be taken from the public arguments of the parent class :class`getobs.getobs`. The additional data (specified via ``special`` input argument will only be used when the final value is not yet available. Args: parameter (:obj:`str`): shortname of the Wetterturnier parameters. special (:obj:`str`): String with a very specific format. This is to compute some live observations such as min/max. Examples: Prepare weather type parameter ``Wv``, in addition select database column ``w1`` and select all available observations between 07:00 today and 18:00 of the requested date (today), see input argument ``date`` on :obj:`getobs.getobs`. ``x.prepare( "Wv", "w1 today 07:00 to today 12:00" )`` Compute minimum temperature ``TTn``, in addition select database column ``T`` between yesterday 18:00 and today 06:00. ``x.prepare( "TTn", "T yesterday 18:00 to today 6:00" )`` .. todo:: Reference to database table param. """ try: fun = eval("self._prepare_fun_%s_" % parameter) except Exception as e: print "[!] WARNING: method prepare_fun_%s does not exist. Cannot prepare data." % parameter print e return import inspect if not inspect.ismethod( fun ): print "[!] WARNING: method prepare_fun_%s is no instancemethod. Cannot prepare data." % parameter return # - Else calling function for station in self.stations: value = fun(station,special) self._add_obs_value_(parameter,station.wmo,value)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare TTm # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_TTm_(self,station,special): """Helper function for TTM, maximum temperature. Returns 18 UTC maximum temperature, either from column tmax12 or - if tmax12 not available but tmax24 exists - maximum temperature from tmax24. Temperature will be in 1/10 degrees Celsius. Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Loading tmax24 and tmax12 (12h/24 period maximum) # valid for 18 UTC in the evening for the current date tmax12 = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 18, 'tmax12' ) tmax24 = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 18, 'tmax24' ) # - If tmax12 is valid: take this one if not tmax12 == None: value = tmax12 # - Else if tmax24 is valid, take this one elif not tmax24 == None: value = tmax24 # - Else value is None else: value = None # Live procedure if special is not None and value is None: special = self.special_obs_object( special, self._date_ ) # If parsing was ok if not special.error: # Loading special data from database spvalue = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special ) # If spvalue is not None take maximum of these # observations as the 'best known maximum'. if spvalue is not None: value = np.max(spvalue) else: print "[!] Had problems parsing the special argument! SKip!" # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare TTn # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_TTn_(self,station,special): """Helper function for TTN, minimum temperature. Returns 06 UTC minimum temperature. Simply the tmin12 column at 06 UTC in 1/10 degrees Celsius. Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Loading tmax24 and tmax12 (12h/24 period maximum) # valid for 18 UTC in the evening for the current date value = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 6, 'tmin12' ) if special is not None and value is None: special = self.special_obs_object( special, self._date_ ) # If parsing was ok if not special.error: # Loading special data from database spvalue = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special ) # If spvalue is not None take minimum of these # observations as the 'best known minimum'. if spvalue is not None: value = np.min(spvalue) else: print "[!] Had problems parsing the special argument! SKip!" # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare TTd # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_TTd_(self,station,special): """Helper function for dew point temperature. Returns 12 UTC observed dew point temperature from database column td in 1/10 degrees Celsius. Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Loading td valid at 12 UTC value = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 12, 'td' ) # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare PPP # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_PPP_(self,station,special): """Helper function for mean sea level pressure at 12 UTC. Based on database column pmsl. Return value will be in 1/10 hPa. Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Loading td valid at 12 UTC value = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 12, 'pmsl' ) # - Original value is in 1/100 hPa. Convert. if not value == None: import numpy as np value = np.round( value/10. ) # Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare dd # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_dd_(self,station,special): """Helper function for the wind direction at 12 UTC from database column dd. Values will be returned in 1/10 degrees but rounded to full 10 degrees. E.g., observed '138' degrees will be converted into '1400' (1/10 degrees, rounded to full 10 degrees). Special case: also depends on database column ff. The following cases will be used: 1) if dd not observed/received: **return None** 2) if dd==0 and ff==0: **return 0.0** 3) if dd==0 and ff>0: **return None (variable wind direction)** 4) else: **return value** Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Loading td valid at 12 UTC dd = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 12, 'dd' ) ff = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 12, 'ff' ) # - If dd is valid: take this one if dd == None: value = None # - if wind direction is 0 (variable) elif dd == 0: # - No wind: return variable wind! if ff == 0: value = 0 # - Else skip the dd observation! else: value = None # - Else take dd as it is else: value = np.round(float(dd)/10) * 100. # - North wind will be 360, not 0. Change if 0 occurs if value == 0.: value = 3600. # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare ff # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_ff_(self,station,special): """Helper function for the wind speed at 12 UTC. Based on database column ff. Values will be in 1/10 knots but rounded to full knots. E.g., if 3.2m/s observed -> 6.22kt -> Return value will be 60. Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Loading td valid at 12 UTC value = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 12, 'ff' ) if not value == None: import numpy as np value = np.round( np.float( value ) * 1.94384449 / 10 ) * 10 # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Loading fx (maximum wind gust over last 1h, 6 to 6 UTC) # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_fx_(self,station,special): """Helper function for the maximum gust speed (fx > 25kt). Based on database column fx1. Return value will be in 1/10 knots but rounded to full knots. E.g., if 21.2m/s observed -> 41.21kt -> Return value will be 410. Special cases: 1) no observation available but +30h observation (row) is in database: Assume that there were no gusts at all: **return 0** 2) no observations available and +30h observation (row) not yet in database: **return None** 3) observation available, below 25 knots: **return 0** 4) observation available, >= 25 knots: **return value** Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Timestamps ts1 = self._date_ + dt.timedelta(0, 6*3600); ts1 = int(ts1.strftime("%s")) tsend = self._date_ + dt.timedelta(0,30*3600); tsend = int(tsend.strftime("%s")) # - For FFX6 (maximum over the last 6 hours) I'll be sure not to pick a date/time # overlapping the period we'll take the data from. Same holds for FFX3 which is # max gust over the last 3 hours. Therefore # - ts3: first time step to pick FFX3 from # - ts6: first time step to pick FFX6 from ts3 = self._date_ + dt.timedelta(0, 9*3600); ts3 = int(ts3.strftime("%s")) ts6 = self._date_ + dt.timedelta(0,12*3600); ts6 = int(ts6.strftime("%s")) # - Pick 10min ffx data # From > +6 hours to <= +30 hours: or in other words, all # 6h-ffx observations from "07UTC to 06UTC next day" sql = "SELECT ffx FROM %s WHERE statnr = %d AND msgtyp = 'bufr' " % (self._table_,station.wmo) + \ "AND datumsec > %s AND datumsec <= %d AND NOT ffx IS NULL" % (ts1,tsend) # - Statements to pick 1h gusts # From > +6 hours to <= +30 hours: or in other words, all # 6h-ffx observations from "07UTC to 06UTC next day" sql1 = "SELECT ffx1 FROM %s WHERE statnr = %d AND msgtyp = 'bufr' " % (self._table_,station.wmo) + \ "AND datumsec > %s AND datumsec <= %d AND NOT ffx1 IS NULL" % (ts1,tsend) # - Statements to pick 3h gusts # From >= +9 hours to <= +30 hours: or in other words, all # 6h-ffx observations from "09UTC to 06UTC next day" sql3 = "SELECT ffx3 FROM %s WHERE statnr = %d AND msgtyp = 'bufr' " % (self._table_,station.wmo) + \ "AND datumsec >= %s AND datumsec <= %d AND NOT ffx3 IS NULL" % (ts3,tsend) # - Statements to pick 6h gusts # From >= +12 hours to <= +30 hours: or in other words, all # 6h-ffx observations from "12UTC to 06UTC next day" sql6 = "SELECT ffx6 FROM %s WHERE statnr = %d AND msgtyp = 'bufr' " % (self._table_,station.wmo) + \ "AND datumsec >= %s AND datumsec <= %d AND NOT ffx6 IS NULL" % (ts6,tsend) # - Initialize database cursor cur = self.db.cursor() # - New object to store the values (from all sql queries) data = [] def append_data(data,tmp): for rec in tmp: data.append( rec[0] ) return data # - FFX (last 10 min gusts) cur.execute( sql ); tmp = cur.fetchall(); data = append_data( data, tmp ) # - FFX1 (last 1 h gusts) cur.execute( sql1 ); tmp = cur.fetchall(); data = append_data( data, tmp ) # - FFX1 (last 3 h gusts) cur.execute( sql3 ); tmp = cur.fetchall(); data = append_data( data, tmp ) # - FFX1 (last 6 h gusts) cur.execute( sql6 ); tmp = cur.fetchall(); data = append_data( data, tmp ) # - Check if +30 h observation is available. check30 = self.check_record( station.wmo, 30 ) # - No wind gusts received, but last observation is here if len(data) == 0 and check30: value = 0 # - No observations at all elif len(data) == 0: value = None # - Else sum up else: value = 0 import numpy as np for rec in data: value = np.maximum(value,rec) # - Convert from meters per second to knots. # Moreover, if knots are below 25, ignore. value = np.round( np.float( value ) * 1.94384449 / 10. ) * 10 if value < 250.: value = 0 # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare N # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_N_(self,station,special): """Helper function for cloud cover at 12 UTC. Return value will be in 1/10 octas, rounded to full octas [0,10,20,30,...,80]. Observations based on database column cc. 1) if observation is available: **return value** 2) if observation not recorded but 12 UTC database entry exists we assume that there were no clouds: **return 0** 3) else: **return None** Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # - Loading td valid at 12 UTC N = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 12, 'cc' ) # - If tmax12 is valid: take this one if not N == None: import numpy as np # - Note: BUFR report is in percent value = (np.floor(np.float(N)/100.*8.)) * 10 if value > 80: value = 80 # - Else if record exists but there is no observed # cloud cover we have to assume that the value # should be 0 but is not reported at all. elif self.check_record( station.wmo, 12 ): value = 0 else: value = None # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare Wv # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_Wv_(self,station,special): """Helper function for significant weather for noon between 0600 UTC and 1200 UTC. w1 (current weather) between 0600 UTC and 1200 UTC is used, the past weather (ww) observations from the same time period are used to identify "current weather" while ww between 0700 UTC to 1200 UTC is used to check the "past weather" (ww=20 to ww=29). Uses :meth:`_get_proper_WvWn_` method, the detailed rules can be found in the method description from the helper class (:meth:`_get_proper_WvWn_`). Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns None if no valid Wv/Wn could have been computed, else a float between 00. and 90. (for Wv/Wn = [0,1,2,3,...,9] as [0.,10.,...,90.]) will be returned. """ # Note: difference between special_ww and special_wX is that special_ww does # NOT include 0600 UTC (used for Nachwetter), special_wX does. special_w1 = self.special_obs_object("w1 today 06:00 to today 12:00",self._date_) special_wX = self.special_obs_object("ww today 06:00 to today 12:00",self._date_) special_ww = self.special_obs_object("ww today 07:00 to today 12:00",self._date_) w1 = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special_w1 ) ww = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special_ww ) wX = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special_wX ) return self._get_proper_WvWn_( w1, ww, wX )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Prepare Wn # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_Wn_(self,station,special): """Helper function for significant weather for afternoon between 1200 UTC and 1800 UTC. w1 (current weather) between 1200 UTC and 1800 UTC is used, the past weather (ww) observations from the same time period are used to identify "current weather" while ww between 1300 UTC to 1800 UTC is used to check the "past weather" (ww=20 to ww=29). Uses :meth:`_get_proper_WvWn_` method, the detailed rules can be found in the method description from the helper class (:meth:`_get_proper_WvWn_`). Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns None if no valid Wv/Wn could have been computed, else a float between 00. and 90. (for Wv/Wn = [0,1,2,3,...,9] as [0.,10.,...,90.]) will be returned. """ # Note: difference between special_ww and special_wX is that special_ww does # NOT include 1200 UTC (used for Nachwetter), special_wX does. special_w1 = self.special_obs_object("w1 today 12:00 to today 18:00",self._date_) special_wX = self.special_obs_object("ww today 12:00 to today 18:00",self._date_) special_ww = self.special_obs_object("ww today 13:00 to today 18:00",self._date_) w1 = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special_w1 ) ww = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special_ww ) wX = self.load_special_obs( station.wmo, special_wX ) return self._get_proper_WvWn_( w1, ww, wX )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _get_proper_WvWn_( self, inw1, inww, inwX ): """Helper class to properly prepare Wv and Wn. Returns highest observed value "w1" where observed w1=1,2,3 will be set to w1=0. In additioin, ww is considered in two ways: input inww contains the values which are used to check the 'past weather' (do not include the leading hour, e.g., do not include 0600 UTC for the time period 0600 UTC to 1200 UTC) while inxX contains the same data (ww) but including the leading hour and is used to extract 'current weather' from the ww observations. Special rule using ww 20-29 if repored AND we have a valid w1. If ww=20 set w1=5 if w1 valid and w1<5 (nach Spruehregen oder Schneegriesel) If ww=21 set w1=6 if w1 valid and w1<6 (nach Regen) If ww=22 set w1=7 if w1 valid and w1<7 (nach Schneefall) If ww=23 set w1=7 if w1 valid and w1<7 (nach Schneeregen oder Eiskoernern) If ww=24 set w1=6 if w1 valid and w1<6 (nach gefrierendem Regen) If ww=25 set w1=6 if w1 valid and w1<6 (nach Regenschauer) If ww=26 set w1=7 if w1 valid and w1<7 (nach Schneeschauer) If ww=27 set w1=8 if w1 valid and w1<8 (nach Graupel- oder Hagelschauer) If ww=28 set w1=4 if w1 valid and w1<4 (nach Nebel) If ww=29 set w1=9 if w1 valid and w1<9 (nach Gewitter) Args: inw1 (:obj:`list`): List of all observed w1 values (may contain None values and 'missing observation' numbers (e.g, w1=10) inww (:obj:`list`): List of all observed ww values (may contain None values and 'missing observation' numbers (e.g., ww=508). Similar to inwX but contains less data (not including leading hour). inwX (:obj:`list`): List of all observed ww values (may contain None values and 'missing observation' numbers (e.g., ww=508). Returns: float: Returns a single value between 0 and 90 (w1=0 to we=90, multiplied by 10 as it will be stored in the databases) or None if no valid w1 is available. """ inw1 = [] if inw1 is None else inw1 inww = [] if inww is None else inww inwX = [] if inwX is None else inwX # No data for w1? Return None if len(inw1) == 0: return None # remove Nons form data if there are any # Furthermore, scale wX (floor!) w1 = [] for x in inw1: if not x is None: w1.append(x) ww = [] for x in inww: if not x is None: ww.append(x) wX = [] for x in inwX: if not x is None: wX.append( np.floor(x/10.) ) # Convert to numpy array for further analysis w1 = np.asarray( w1 ) ww = np.asarray( ww ) wX = np.asarray( wX ) # Remove missing observations w1 = w1[ np.where( w1 < 10) ] # Find highest w1, w1 1/2/3 will be set to 0 w1 = np.max(w1) if len(w1) > 0 else None w1 = w1 if not w1 in [1,2,3] else 0 print " [max w1] Set to ",w1, # Only checking 20-29 ww = ww[ np.where( np.logical_and(ww >= 20,ww<=29) ) ] ww = ww if len(ww) > 0 else None # Only consider 4-9. wX = wX[ np.where( np.logical_and(wX >= 4,wX<=9) ) ] wX = wX if len(wX) > 0 else None # If max(wX) > w1: use max(wX) value. if np.max(wX > w1): w1 = int(np.max(wX)) print " considering [ww] as well yields ",w1, # Special rule using ww 20-29 AND we have a valid w1 if w1 is not None and ww is not None: # If w1 < 4 but ww=28 reported: set w1 to 4 if w1 < 4 and np.any( np.in1d([28],ww) ): w1 = 4 # If w1 < 5 but ww 20 reported: set w1 to 5 if w1 < 5 and np.any( np.in1d([20],ww) ): w1 = 5 # If w1 < 6 but ww 21, 24 or 25 reported: set w1 to 6 if w1 < 6 and np.any( np.in1d([21,24,25],ww) ): w1 = 6 # If w1 < 7 but ww 22, 23 or 26 reported: set w1 to 7 if w1 < 7 and np.any( np.in1d([22,23,26],ww) ): w1 = 7 # If w1 < 8 but ww 27 reported: set w1 to 8 if w1 < 8 and np.any( np.in1d([27],ww) ): w1 = 8 # If w1 < 9 but ww 29 reported: set w1 to 9 if w1 < 8 and np.any( np.in1d([29],ww) ): w1 = 9 print " after checking past weather, w1 = ",w1 else: print " no past weather, w1 = ",w1 # - Return value return None if w1 is None else float(w1)*10.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Loading RR # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_RR_(self,station,special): """Helper function for 24h sum of precipitation based on database column 'rrr12' at +18 and +30h (as the reported observations are 12h sums this means from 06 UTC today to 06 UTC tomorrow). Returns precipitation in 1/10 mm OR -30 if there was no precipitation at all. Note: if there is no recorded precipitation amount or the amount of precipitation recorded is 0.0 I also check the W1 observations for the time period of interest. If there is no sign. precipitation weather recorded in W1 (w1 = 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9) the value will be set to -3.0. First: if database entry for 18 UTC is here but there is no recorded amount of precipitation we have to assume that there was no precipitation. The same for +30h (06 UTC next day). Second: If observed precipitation amount is negative (some stations send -0.1mm/12h for no precipitation) we Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ # ---------------------------------------------------------- # RR - Precipitation (2 * 12h) # 06 today to 06 tomorrow!! # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Loading 12h sums RR18 = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 18, 'rrr12' ) RR06 = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 30, 'rrr12' ) # Loading 24h sums RR06_24 = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 30, 'rrr24' ) # - Check if observations (records) are hete check18 = self.check_record( station.wmo, 18 ) check06 = self.check_record( station.wmo, 30 ) ####print " ------------- " ####print "RR18 ", RR18 ####print "RR06 ", RR06 ####print "RR06_24 ", RR06_24 ####print "check18 ", check18 ####print "check06 ", check06 # - If observed values RR18/RR06 are empty but the observations # are in the database we have to assume that there was no # precipitation at all. Set these values to -3.0 (no precip). # Same for RR06_24 if RR18 == None and check18: RR18 = -30. if RR06 == None and check06: RR06 = -30. # - Both observations available: use them if not RR06_24 == None: value = RR06_24 elif not RR18 == None and not RR06 == None: # - Both negative (no precipitation) will # result in Wetterturnier special: -3.0mm. if RR18 < 0 and RR06 < 0: value = -30. # - Else at least one of the obs was 0.0 # which is non-obervable precipitation, # but precipitation! else: if RR18 < 0.: RR18 = 0. if RR06 < 0.: RR06 = 0. value = RR18 + RR06 else: value = None # - Extra check: if precipitation sum is 0: if value == 0: # - Load W1 observation for the time period 06UTC-06UTC W1 = [] W1.append( self.load_obs( station.wmo, 12, 'w1' ) ) W1.append( self.load_obs( station.wmo, 18, 'w1' ) ) W1.append( self.load_obs( station.wmo, 24, 'w1' ) ) W1.append( self.load_obs( station.wmo, 30, 'w1' ) ) # Check if all W1-observations are 10 (no sign. weather reported), # class 0/1/2/3/4 (the non-precip-weather-types) or missing. # If so, then the sum will be set to -3.0 (dry) rather than 0.0. if all( item in [None,0,1,2,3,4,10] for item in W1): value = -30. # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Loading sunshine. # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _prepare_fun_Sd_(self,station,special): """Helper function for relative sun shine duration for the full day. Will be returned in 1/10 percent rounded to full percent (34% will result in 340.). 1) if 24h sum is available on 'sunday' on 06 UTC we will take this value. 2) if 06UTC sunday is not available but we have a sunday value at 00 UTC: take this one. 3) else sum up the 'sun' 1h-rly obs. WARNING: seems that 'none' is either 'no sun' or 'not reported'. I can't decide which one is which one at the moment. I just take none = 0 and sum up. Args: station (:obj:`stationclass.stationclass`): Station handler. special (:obj:`str`): See :meth:`getobs.getobs.prepare` for more details. Returns: float: Returns observed value if loading data was successful or None if observation not available or nor recorded. """ from pywetterturnier import utils # - If we have not loaded maxSd: stop if not station.wmo in self._maxSd_: utils.exit("maximum sunshine duration for station %d unknown.\n" % station.wmo + \ "Most possible reason: there is no entry for this station\n" + \ "in the table obs.stations and therefore I can't compute\n" + \ "the astronomic sunshine duration which is needed!") # - If we dont have any information about the maximum Sd we cant # compute the relative value. In this case return False if not self._maxSd_[station.wmo]: value = None # - Else start processing the data else: # - Loading sunshine 24h sum, next day reported at 06UTC # which is +30 hours from self._date_. tmp = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 30, 'sunday' ) if tmp: value =int( np.round(np.float(tmp)/np.float(self._maxSd_[station.wmo]) * 100) ) * 10 # - Loading sunshine 24h sum, next day reported at 00UTC # which is +24 hours from self._date_ else: tmp = self.load_obs( station.wmo, 24, 'sunday' ) if tmp: Sd = int( np.round(np.float(tmp)/np.float(self._maxSd_[station.wmo]) * 100) ) * 10 value = Sd # - Else try to sum up hourly observations else: # - Else try to get the hourly sums. datum = int( self._date_.strftime('%Y%m%d') ) sql = "SELECT sun FROM %s WHERE statnr = %d AND " % (self._table_,station.wmo) + \ "msgtyp = 'bufr' AND datum = %d AND NOT sun IS NULL" % datum cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute( sql ) tmp = cur.fetchall() # - No data? Return None if len(tmp) == 0: value = None else: # - Else sum up value = 0 for rec in tmp: value += int(rec[0]) value = int( np.round(np.float(value)/np.float(self._maxSd_[station.wmo]) * 100) ) * 10 # - Return value return value
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Show loaded data # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def show( self ): """Shows a summary of the current @ref getobs.getobs class. Was mainly used for development purposes. Shows data and stuff stored on class attributes. """ if not print " Can't show data summary: no observation data loaded" return # - Else show data allcols = [] for rec in for k in[rec].keys(): if not k in allcols: allcols.append(k) allcols.sort() # - Show data print " ", for stn in self.stations: print " %13d " % stn.wmo, print "" # - Looping over params pnr = 0 for param in allcols: pnr = pnr + 1 print " %2d " % pnr, for stn in self.stations: if not stn.wmo in continue elif not param in[stn.wmo].keys(): print " %-5s %8s " % (param,"- - -"), else: print " %-5s %8d " % (param,[stn.wmo][param]), print ""
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Save to database # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_to_db( self ): """Write prepared observations to database. Writes all prepared observations which are stored in the parent :class:`getobs.getobs` to the Wetterturnier database. """ if == None: print "Cant write data to database. Because there are no data. Return." return # - Create tuple for update data = [] param = {} for p in self.db.get_parameter_names(): id = self.db.get_parameter_id( p ) param[p] = id # - Prepare a few sql statements we need later sql_check = "SELECT placedby FROM %swetterturnier_obs " % self.db.prefix + \ "WHERE station = %d AND betdate = %d AND paramID = %d" sql_insert = "INSERT INTO %swetterturnier_obs " % self.db.prefix + \ "(station,paramID,betdate,placed,placedby,value) " + \ "VALUES (%d,%d,%d,'%s',0,%d)" sql_update = "UPDATE %swetterturnier_obs " % self.db.prefix + \ "SET placed = '%s', value = %d " + \ "WHERE station = %d AND paramID = %d AND betdate = %d" # - Dates and update date now = now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") betdate = np.floor( np.float(self._date_.strftime('%s')) / 86400. ) ) # - Looping over wmo stations cur = self.db.cursor() for stn in self.stations: if not stn.wmo in print "[!] Can't find wmo %d in results. Skip." % stn.wmo continue for key in[stn.wmo].keys(): # - If parameter is not one of the wetterturnier parameters: skip if not key in param: print "[!] Cant find parameter %s in database! Skip!" % key continue # - See if parameter is in NULLCONFIG of the station. # If it is - ignore! if not param[key] in stn.getActiveParams( betdate ): print " Parameter %s (%d) is/was not an active parameter for station %d. Skip." % \ (key, param[key], stn.wmo) continue # - Else append tuple tmp = (stn.wmo, param[key], betdate, now,[stn.wmo][key]) data.append(tmp) # - Checking SQL cur.execute( sql_check % (stn.wmo,betdate,param[key]) ) res = cur.fetchall() # - If length res is empty: INSERT if len(res) == 0: #print " Insert ...." cur.execute( sql_insert % (stn.wmo,param[key],betdate,now,[stn.wmo][key]) ) # - If there is no user-change, update elif res[0][0] == 0: #print " Update ...." #print( sql_update % (now,[wmo][key],wmo,param[key],betdate) ) cur.execute( sql_update % (now,[stn.wmo][key],stn.wmo,param[key],betdate) ) self.db.commit()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Small helper class for the 'special observation usage' # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class special_obs_object(object): """This class is used to parse the `'special`' input arguments to :meth:`getobs.getobs.load_special_obs``."""
[docs] def __init__( self, special, date ): """This class is used to parse the 'special' input arguments to get_obs. Args: special (:obj:`str`): String in a very special format. date (:obj:``): Date object (date of the tournament). """ ## Keep input args = date self.special = special # Check whether the special option has the correct sytnax. # First group: parameter # Second group: 'from' statement # Third group 'to' statement regex_day="yesterday|today|tomorrow" regex_time="[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}" regex = "^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+({0:s})\s+({1:s})\s+to\s+({0:s})\s+({1:s}).*$".format( regex_day,regex_time) import re mtch = re.match(regex,special) if not mtch: self.error = True return else: self.error = False self.parameter,self.from_keyword,self.from_time,self.to_keyword,self.to_time = mtch.groups() # Compute proper from/to datetime objects self.from_date = self._string_to_date_(self.from_keyword, self.from_time, date) self.to_date = self._string_to_date_(self.to_keyword, self.to_time, date)
# Helper function to show oject content def show( self ): if self.error: print " Error: not able to extract required information from:" print " from {0:s} for {1:s}".format( self.special, ) else: print " Parameter: {0:s}".format( self.parameter ) print " From: {0:s} {1:s}".format( self.from_keyword, self.from_time ) print " To: {0:s} {1:s}".format( self.to_keyword, self.to_time ) print " Date is: {0:s}".format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ) print " Yields from: {0:s}".format( self.from_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ) print " Yields to: {0:s}".format( self.to_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ) # Create proper date objects given the keyword, # the time (e.g., 19:00) and the current tournament date 'date' def _string_to_date_(self,keyword,time,date): import re import datetime as dt hour,mins = re.match("^([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})$",time).groups() if keyword == 'yesterday': # If 'yesterday': subtract one day from 'date' date = date - dt.timedelta(1) # Create new date string date = "{0:s} {1:02d}:{2:02d}".format( date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),int(hour),int(mins)) elif keyword == 'today': # Create new date string date = "{0:s} {1:02d}:{2:02d}".format( date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),int(hour),int(mins)) elif keyword == 'tomorrow': # If 'tomorrow': add one day to 'date' date = date + dt.timedelta(1) # Create new date string date = "{0:s} {1:02d}:{2:02d}".format( date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),int(hour),int(mins)) # Convert the new proper date/time into a datetime object return dt.datetime.strptime(date,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")