The Scripts

The backend consists of a set of scripts performing different tasks like computing the reference players, mean bets, Sleepy, and judge the forecasts by pacing the points used for the Wetterturnier ranking. There is one script called which is the one script triggered every X minutes. The chain summarizes all (most) of the other scripts and executes the scripts in the correct order.

The order is important (but not critical) as e.g., the computation of the points requires valid group bets.


If I would put all code from the modules into a class the code the scripts would look way smoother and the chain script could be a simple sequential call (obj.dothis,obj.dothat,obj.done).


This is the main script used on the operational server. What does:

The scritps (see below) are executed using subprocesses wherefore has to be started with an active python virtual environment (if a virtual environment is used) as, if not, the child-nodes would use the system python installation and might not find the required packages.

source virtualenv/bin/activate


After reading the Configfile the user ID for Petrus is loaded. If the user does not exist it will be created using a small php script and the wordpress wp_create_user() function (see database.database.create_user()).

After that the script loops trough all active cities and computes the overall mean bet (which is Petrus) and saves this reference forecast into the database.


After reading the Configfile the user ID for Persistenz is loaded. If the user does not exist it will be created using a small php script and the wordpress wp_create_user() function (see database.database.create_user()).

When user created or found the script loads past observations from the wetterturnier_obs database table, computes mean, and submits these values as new reference forecast for Persistenz.


Moses is a weighted mean of one or more players using some linear regression approach. The coefficients are computed by Meteo Service. These files are submitted via ssh to the wetterturnier server in our live system.

The searches for the latest coefficient files, load the required forecasts (per city and parameter) from the database, loads the forecasted values from the wetterturnier_bets database table and computes the corresponding mean bets which are submitted as Moses.


Sleepy is a non-human player which contains no forecasts but points. These points are used when computing rankings (e.g., yearly ranking) for players which have not participated. The Sleepy points are relatively low, wherefore not participating in the tournament and getting the points Sleepy got is a penalty.

The script loops trough the cities, loads the points via database.database.get_sleepy_points(), computes the mean and saves the mean into the wetterturnier_betstat database table.

Mean Bets

Compute mean forecasts for groups. Loops over all active groups and cities and extracts the member list from the wetterturnier_groupusers database table. Only active users.

If more than two group members have submitted a valid forecast for a specific city the mean bet for this group is computed and stored in the wetterturnier_bets and wetterturnier_betstat database tables.

Compute Points

Compute the points for each specific city and parameter for all forecasts (user forecasts, but also group forecasts/mean bets and reference forecasts). makes use of the Judgingclass containing the rules.

Requires the bets from the wetterturnier_bets database table and the observations from the wetterturnier_obs table to compute the residuals and, based on them, the points. Which Judgingclass is used can be defined via Configfile, the file is dynamically loaded within using the python importlib <> package. See Judgingclass for more details about the judging-class.

At the end of the routine (after all parameter-specifc individual points) are computed the sum is computed using ComputeSumPoints.CSP() method located inside ../


See also Compute Points. This script computes the sum of the points only. Does not have to be executed when has been executed before as automatically computes the sum points using ComputeSumPoints.CSP() from ../

Ranks Only

Computes the rank for a given tournament. Ranks are based on sum points from <script-SumPoints>. Stores the rank for each individual valid forecast into the wetterturnier_betstat table.


This script build the bridge between the raw observations stored in the Observation database talbe live and the wetterturnier plugin database wetterturnier_obs.

Uses the raw observations from live to compute the observations as used for the wetterturnier. Note that this script is also responsible for the live-ranking. Stores aggregated/derived/selected observations into the wetterturnier_obs table.

This script is responsible for the observations which are used for Persistenz and to compute the Points and Sum Points respectively.

Live-ranking: for some parameters we are using a live-ranking system. One of the forecast parameters is the maximum air temperature between 06 and 18 UTC which is reported after 18 UTC. Until we receive the final ‘maximum temperature’ report we use the ‘maximum over the hourly air temperature observations between 06 and 18 UTC’ as a best guess for the maximum temperature. As soon as the final observation is available we will use the final value.


Small script to procude the “maximum possible daylength table” for all stations defined in the database. Procudes an output file containing the day length in hours for each station for each day of the year (takes 2016, as 2016 was a leap year, such that also February 29th is included). Uses the same method getobs.get_maximum_Sd() as the backend to convert the observed sunshine duration into relative sunshine duration.

Creates an output file AstralTable.txt alongside the python script which can then be published/uploaded whereever you want to have it.

## Simply call the script
## Keep care of using the python virtualenv if you do use one

The following astral call is used (excerpt from getobs.get_maximum_Sd():

## Setting up location using station longitude/latitude
loc = astral.Location( (nam,'Region',lat,lon,'Europe/London',elevation) )
## Compute sunshine/daylength duration for a specific date
res = loc.sun(local=True,date=date)
## Extract daylength as maximum sunshine duration possible between
## sunrise and sunset.
daylen = int(res['sunset'].strftime('%s')) - int(res['sunrise'].strftime('%s'))
daylen = daylen / 60.


Klaus Knuepffer is submitting some MOS forecasts for some stations to the wetterturnier server on This small script checks for the latest MOS forecast files, takes the latest 3 forecast runs, parses the ASCII data and creates a json file. The output is written to the referrerdata/mos directory on the webserver where the frontend acesses the data and provides the MOS forecasts to our users.

## Who it runs

The job is triggered once an hour via cronjob on retos@prognose2. The corresponding call is:

The following input files will be considered, parsed, prepared …

  • /home/knuepffer/abgabe/all.YYmmddHH

… and stored into the following json file.

  • /var/www/html/referrerdata/mos/mos.json

The output file contains a single JSON string of the following form:

[parameters] (
   [0] => N
   [1] => rSd
   [2] => dd
   [3] => ff
   [4] => fx
   [5] => Wv
   [6] => Wn
   [7] => PPP
   [8] => TTm
   [9] => TTn
   [10] => TTd
   [11] => RR
[data_1499936400] (
   [WIEN] (
      [DWD-ICON-MOS] (
         [TTm] (
                 [0] => 21.5
                 [1] => 24.9
         [Wv] (
                 [0] => 8
                 [1] => 0
      [<next model>] ( ... )
      [<next model>] ( ... )
   [<next city] ( ... )
[<next mos run>] ( ... )

[parameters] contains a list of all parameters and the order they should be displayed. The data consists of a set of 4-layer nexted data. The first layer [data_1499936400] indicates the data block with MOS initial time 1499936400 (unix timestamp).

Each data block consists of a set of locations ([WIEN]) which can contain one or more different MOS forecasts ([DWD-ICON-MOS]). Each MOS ([data_XXXXX][LOCATION][MOS]) then contains the forecasts given the parameter name (e.g., [TTm], [Wv]) and the corresponding values. On the frontend the JSON-file is parsed within the script wp-wetterturnier/user/views/mosforecasts.php and displayed as a table.