Source code for stationclass

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - NAME:
# - AUTHOR:      Reto Stauffer
# - DATE:        2015-07-24
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# - DESCRIPTION: An easy to use stations class.
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# - EDITORIAL:   2015-07-24, RS: Created file on thinkreto.
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# - L@ST MODIFIED: 2018-01-22 12:04 on marvin
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"""Class to handle stations. Stations are used for the observations. While
user forecasts are linked to a specific city which can contain one or more
stations the observations itself are only valid for a very specific station.
This class allows to handle specific stations.
[docs]class stationclass( object ): """A small class holding all infos for a specific WMO station. Args: desc (:obj:`list`): List/tuple of strings, value description of the values in input data. data (:obj:`list`): Values corresponding to input desc. db (:obj:`None` or :class:`database.database`): Default None, can be the database handler. The internal function self._has_db_connector_ can be used to check if the database handler has been set or not. """ print "check" #WHY the fuck did need to add a print here for the next line 2 work?!?!?! def __init__( self, desc, data, db = None, dbprefix = None ): """Initializing a new stationclss object. """ # - Prepare cols cols = [] for rec in desc: cols.append( str(rec[0]) ) ## Station ID in the database. self.ID = None ## Station WMO number. self.wmo = None ## To which city the station maches, city ID from database. self.cityID = None ## String, name of the station. = None ## Date the station was changed the last time. self.changed = None ## Save database handler self.db = db self.dbprefix = dbprefix # - Save all different values onto the object if 'ID' in cols: self.ID = int( data[cols.index('ID')] ) if 'wmo' in cols: self.wmo = int( data[cols.index('wmo')] ) if 'cityID' in cols: self.cityID = int( data[cols.index('cityID')] ) if 'name' in cols: = str( data[cols.index('name')] ) if 'changed' in cols: self.changed = data[cols.index('changed')] # - Shows full stationclass config. # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Checks if database handler is given or not (well, only checks # whether it is None or not). # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def _has_db_connector_( self ): """Checks if the object already contains a db connector (if database connection has been opened or not). """ if not self.db or not self.dbprefix: return False else: return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns active parameters for a specific city for a specific # tournament date! # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getActiveParams( self, tdate ): """Returns active parameters for a specific city for a specific tourmanet date. This is important as they active parameters can change over time while the system still has to know which ones have obeen active/inactive over the past. Args: tdate (:obj:`int`): Turnament date as days since 1970-01-01. Returns: list: Returns a list of ... .. todo:: Document return list format. """ # Check if database connection is set or not if not self._has_db_connector_(): import sys; sys.exit("stationsclass.getAcriveParams requires database connection. Not set.") # Loading active parameters for the tdate. from datetime import datetime as dt bgn = dt.fromtimestamp( int(tdate) *86400 ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") end = dt.fromtimestamp( (int(tdate)+1)*86400 ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") sql = [] sql.append("SELECT paramID FROM (SELECT paramID,") sql.append("CASE WHEN ( since <= '{0:s}' AND (until = 0 OR until >= '{1:s}'))".format(bgn,end)) sql.append("THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS active FROM {0:s}wetterturnier_stationparams WHERE".format(self.dbprefix)) sql.append("stationID = {0:d}) AS tmp WHERE active = 1;".format(int(self.ID))) # Fetching parameter ID's of active parameters (given tdate) cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute( " ".join(sql) ) paramIDs = [] for rec in cur.fetchall(): paramIDs.append(int(rec[0])) paramIDs.sort() return paramIDs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # - Helper function. Shows content. # ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def show(self): """Small summary function which prints the content of a stationclass object in a nice way. """ from datetime import datetime as dt import json print " Show station-object settings:" print " - Station ID: %d" % self.ID print " - WMO station number: %d" % self.wmo print " - Station name: %s" % print " - City ID: %d" % self.cityID print " - Last changed: %s" % self.changed.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')